Sunday, January 11, 2009

Human Resource Clouds

The early morning call is answered on the first ring (no brain-er) and a whispered, "Hello, Did you get my email? I am so sorry and the timing on this stinks so bad." After a quick briefing of all the physical ailments all parties involved she asks if you can scan the employee paperwork. She tells you where on her desk to locate the paperwork and how to scan it properly. Slowly a light shines brighter in your mind and you ask her, "Uh, are we really supposed to scan and send employees personal information including their social security numbers and all that sensitive data over the Internet?" A long pause is followed by "Crap. Your right, we have no right to do that with our employee data. What are we going to do?"

You then ask how it was she was planning on entering all that data anyways. She starts a spiel about some kind of "cloud" thing that allows her to see the same documents that she uses at work at any computer, no matter where she is. This intrigues you, and you start asking more questions. But she just doesn't have enough answers for you and she suggests speaking to the PSS Enterprises, the IT department that you outsource all of the tech stuff too. She suggested that you tell them the predicament that you are in, and maybe that they have a solution that doesn't jeopardize your employees sensitive data. You get off the phone with her and you dial 1-800-285-2448 and don't worry that it is early in the morning because they are a 24/7 operation. You spill your guts and they tell you, "No Problem." We have a safe secure way to access the company PC from your home computer. You are given a url to visit, and the next thing you know, you are looking at your work PC, right there in your house, while sipping the morning coffee. Disaster averted no later than 7:30 the same day. Isn't technology great?

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