Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Best Online MBA Program Uncovered

Here is a 6 step system you can use to determine the best online MBA program for you and the goals you have set.

1. Choose an MBA school that is accredited.

Picking an accredited MBA school ensures you are getting a valuable education that covers everything you need to know. It also tells current and future employers that you have the proper training they are looking for. Failing to pick an accredited school may also suggest you lack proper judgement.

2. Match your situation and schedule to the MBA program.

Currently, over 73% of all MBA students work full-time. This means the best MBA programs have adapted, and let you study when it is convenient for you, and to go through the materials when you want to, not when they schedule it.

3. Teacher To Student Ratio

The teacher to student ratio is the number of students each professor has, on average. When you have the ideal ratio (usually 8 to 14 students per professor), then you can ask the questions you have and get a proper answer. When a program offers a good teacher-student ratio, it also suggests that the advisor they assign to you will be able to work one-on-one with you, and help you achieve your MBA objectives.

4. Thought Leaders

Having the experience of learning from a world leader in your chosen area of specialty is a treat that can benefit you for a lifetime. Often, they have a profound effect on their students, and maintain contact with former students for life - giving you a valuable asset that will pay dividends for decades.

Teaching style is another important thing to consider. Not all business schools teach the same way, and having a style that fits you is an important consideration. When choosing on online MBA program, you should also make sure the school uses innovative online teaching methods.

5. Alumni Programs

An alumni program is where graduates can turn to when they need resources to move their career forward. It offers powerful features, like networking opportunities, possible mentoring opportunities, and online communities where you can keep in touch with others, and build relationships with other graduates.

6. Career Services

Another useful factor in choosing your MBA program is the help they offer with getting your next job. Since most graduates quit or get fired, it can be very helpful to have a resource that will help you make that next move.

Getting help with your career can be an important benefit that your MBA school of choice provides. They can also help with preparing your resume, and also help you understand yourself, and how you should position yourself in the marketplace.

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