Thursday, February 19, 2009

An Overview of Studying Abroad

Reasons for deciding to study abroad may vary, but more often than not the reason involves getting a more hands on approach to the topic being learnt.
A Short HistoryThe concept of studying abroad first came about in 1923 when Professor Raymond W. Kirkbride of the University of Delaware sent 8 of his students to Paris, France. Back then the idea of students studying in a country other than their homeland was highly unheard of and initially it was used as an option mainly for studying and learning foreign languages.

More recently it has become acceptable to study abroad for a variety of reasons and the scope of subjects available for study has increased significantly. For instance, it is now more acceptable for someone studying medicine to attend a Caribbean medical school during a study abroad program in order to immerse themselves in a different culture and get a feel for what it might be like for an aspiring doctor to get started in a developing country.

Another thing to consider is where you will be staying, as accommodations are not always provided. Some schools do maintain dormitories or other forms of residence in foreign areas for students to dwell in for the duration of the program, such as a "host family" that has agreed to provide lodging to one or more students for a time. Oftentimes participants in study abroad programs will have to arrange for their own accommodations ahead of time, whether permanent for the duration of the trip or temporarily until more stable lodging can be found.

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