Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Revolutionary Method: Free MBA of Business Administration & e-Company

Revolutionary Method: Free MBA of Business Administration & e-Company

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By S. Maurer

The non-profit Business Technology Open University - http://business-technology.us - offer a new revolutionary method for a free MBA of Business Administration & e-Company: a teach operation entirely supported by content oriented ads of companies, inside the texts of the lessons. However, Business Technology is totally independent and without any connection with any manufacturer or consultant.

Very modern and imperative matters are included in this MBA of Business Administration & e-Company. The old and standard Business Administration concepts included in any current MBA program are very important, but today the companies are very different.

This new situation strongly demands a MBA program including the General Control Theory, the control engineering, the new business technologies, the Management by Exception concept automated by computer systems, the Feedback Control System, etc.

This MBA of Business Administration & e-Company free course cannot be compared with a traditional MBA Master. He also teaches the traditional basic principles of a MBA Master, but in a way more concentrated. But if we refers about a more modern business administration, our course is better because he teaches matters like CIO, CRM, ERP, VOIP, SCM, Call Centers, TeleCommuter, Geo-Spatial, HRM, etc., that now are the most demanded subjects by the companies.

This MBA program covers the major business disciplines from a technology perspective, and considers the business and technology issues facing today's companies.

The business is more and more the technology, and vice-versa. The companies are more and more electronics, as for examples the ERP Enterprise Resources Planning, the CRM Customer Relationship Management, the Voice over IP VoIP, the sophisticated Call Centers, etc. Therefore, a modern Business Administrator must learn these new ways to do the business and how to manage these modern enterprises.

This free MBA program is one of few of the world including the very modern matters concerning the new ways to do the business.

This open MBA of Business Administration & e-Company are only in English and by correspondence, with 2 to 5 lessons a week and they durations varies up to 5.5 months. In the total the Business Technology free courses have 2,600 lessons and additionally more 11,000 complemental lessons, everything sent in e-mail attachments.

The announced pre-requirements for the registrations are one of the following:


College/University graduated or in course to graduate, or

Good job experience in the choiced MBA matter

and those registrations can be made individually or in groups of employees' of companies or Governments officers.

In the moment Business Technology already has 193,000 students from the entire World, and the projection for the end of this year is of more 400,000 students.

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